Surprise...We moved! Maybe it's not a surprise. It has been a long time coming. It was so much fun to visit Max as much as I could during his first year of law school. I was a hotel concierge then and had the best time researching cool local spots to check out. Now that we are engaged, we decided it was time to live together : ) It has been a process. Combining 2 lifetimes worth of things and attempting compromise is not easy, especially for this only child. Let's just say, I have A LOT of stuff. We still have to hang art and mirrors, which my parents will come help with soon, but I've put some pics below. If you're wondering about the shrooms...My grandma had a mushroom cookie jar (shown below) which was given to me when she passed away. I found the entire set at a vintage store and it just started to get out of control from there. I have a Christmas tree filled with mushroom ornaments too. Everyone has their thing, right?
The living room was a little awkward to figure out since Max has a huge desk, but we did our best. I have always loved city life and not having to drive everywhere. Now to find a job and friends in the middle of a global pandemic to keep myself busy while he is at school. I'm looking forward to establishing a routine and having so much fun with Maximilian. If you have any fun suggestions for things to do in the Tampa Bay area, let us know!